Forums and User Groups
- BigBenClub - Dutch association of Acorn and RiscOS users
- Retro-Kit
- StarDot - a vibrant community focused on hardware, software and repair/preservation of Acorn machines
- BeebMaster - mostly Econet and storage
- BooBip - nice sideways RAM / ROM kits
- CJEmicro - pricey, but has a lot of Acorn-related items
- RetroClinic - I got my refurbished BBC and Master from Mark, excellent service
Software and documentation
- 8-Bit Software - The BBC and Master Computer Public Domain Library, including manuals
- The BBC Micro ROM Library - a great resource by TobyLobster for identifying and finding all ROM-based software ever released.
- The Complete BBC Micro Games Archive - old and new games, downloadable and playable in your webbrowser
- FlaxCottage Educational Software Archive
- - Software and documentation
- MMBExplorer - multi-platform MMB disk collections manager for Acorn Computers 8-bit systems (my local copies of v.1.3.1 for Windows and macOS)
- Retro Software - Homebrew games publisher