The Gluetun container allows you to force services through a VPN tunnel. It needs the TUN kernel module to be loaded on your NAS:
Log in to your Synology NAS using SSH, become root (‘sudo -i’) and run:
insmod /lib/modules/tun.ko
On DSM >= 7.1, it should now automatically load on every boot. You can verify that the kernel module is loaded:
lsmod |grep tun
OpenVPN Tunnel using Private Internet Access
Add VPN credentials to your /volume1/docker/.env file:
# PrivateInternetAccess PIA_USER="your_pia_username" PIA_PASS="your_pia_password"
Add the Gluetun container to your docker-compose.yaml services:
Test your setup:
root@nas# cd /volume1/docker
root@nas# source .env
root@nas# docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up
If all is well, your VPN tunnel is now up and running. Next step is to add a service that uses this tunnel.
Tunneling container traffic through Gluetun
Add qbittorrent to your docker-compose.yaml - note that you need to copy the ‘ports:’ entry to the gluetun container!
Test your setup:
root@nas# cd /volume1/docker
root@nas# source .env
root@nas# docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up
root@nas# docker exec -ti qbittorrent /bin/bash
The ‘curl’ command should show the VPN exit node IP address, not your own IP address.
When accessing the qBittorrent web interface, you will probably only see ‘unauthorized’. To fix this error, stop the container and add the following to your /volume1/docker/appdata/qbittorrent/config/qBittorrent/qBittorrent.conf:
The default login is “admin”, password “adminadmin”. Please change this ;-)