Linux distributions are getting larger and larger; CentOS 6.0 64-bit won’t fit on a single DVD anymore. A Cobbler-based provisioning server will normally import only one DVD. So, how do you get around this?
- Import the first DVD as usual
- Manually add content from the second DVD
Import the first DVD (ISO image):
mkdir /mnt/dvd1; mount -o ro,loop /tmp/CentOS-6.0-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso /mnt/dvd1
cobbler import --name=${DISTRO} --path=/mnt/dvd1
Watch the output from Cobbler closely – it will basically tell show you the commands you need to import the second DVD ;-)
Import the second DVD (ISO image):
mkdir /mnt/dvd2; mount -o ro,loop /tmp/CentOS-6.0-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso /mnt/dvd2
rsync -a '/mnt/dvd2/' /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/${DISTRO} --exclude-from=/etc/cobbler/rsync.exclude --progress
COMPSXML=$(ls /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/${DISTRO}/repodata/*comps*.xml)
createrepo -c cache -s sha --update --groupfile ${COMPSXML} /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror/${DISTRO}
Done! You have now added the contents of the second DVD to your existing “ks_mirror” directory and updated the Yum repodata.
Update 2011.08
- FIXED: Forgot the trailing / on the DVD2 mount point ‘/mnt/dvd2/’. Otherwise, the rsync command will create a ‘dvd2’ subdirectory.