I’ve been using Dropbox for quite some time now. Their 2GB of free online storage is increasingly being used in new and innovative ways.

One of the first things I set up was 1Password Sync using Dropbox. But wait, there is more! ;-)

I use BitTorrent downloads, mainly for large DVD downloads (the CentOS 5.5 DVD’s are only available through BitTorrent). My Mac Mini is always on, and it runs the Transmission BitTorrent client. Before Dropbox, I had to log on to the Transmission Web interface and upload the .torrent file.

With Dropbox, there is a more elegant solution: “Automatic Transmission”.

  1. Create a “Torrents” directory in your Dropbox
  2. Configure Transmission (Preferences > Transfers) to look for .torrent files in your Dropbox > Torrents directory

You can now start a download from any computer by downloading the .torrent file into your Dropbox > Torrents directory.

If you have the “Trash original torrent files” option selected like me, you’ll get a notification from Dropbox immediately after Transmission sees the new torrent file.

This indicates that Transmission has seen your .torrent and has started the download.
